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18h-18h40 CA talk

18h40-19h30 PA expert talk and group discussion



Extinction Rebellion's third demand is that Government must create and be led by the decisions of a citizens’ assembly on climate and ecological justice.


What is a citizens' assembly and why do we want one on the climate and ecological emergency?


Why does Extinction Rebellion believe that it's our only hope to create the radical change needed to deal with this emergency?


Come find out about this form of deliberative democracy with Joe Mac a qualified XR UK Citizens Assembly speaker.



Peoples Assembly (PA) workshop: expert talk and group discussion



(Participants can come directly to the (PA) expert talk at 18h40 if they have already seen the CA talk)


A Peoples Assembly (PA) will be run in the second part of the talk for those interested. Attendees will discuss one of the proposed topics related to climate and ecological crisis within small discussion groups (deliberation) and the main outcomes/recommendations will be presented to the assembly. All PA outcomes (peoples wishes in terms of necessary changes to society/economy/behaviour etc) will be registered in a document and may be regularly posted in the website above.  Many topics will be preceded by an expert talk who will present science/statistical information before deliberation.


Peoples Assembly is a group deliberation process, as is Citizen Assemblies, but smaller with a shorter duration, more informal and members self select themselves to participate. It is a way of seeing democracy in motion
on the streets, where people can begin to reclaim power and address what global politics and the system that drives it is failing to do. It is often used as a democratic decision making tool by XR and other grass roots movements such as Occupy movement, the Gilets Jaunes, US civil rights movement, the Arab Spring etc.




(powerpoint presentation and talk in English)

Every Friday 18h to 19h30

Neuenburger Straße 9

(Corner with Alte JakobStraße)



(Metro Hallesches tor)



More information on Citizens Assemblies

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